On March 5th, KST, at the Seoul Central District Court, under the supervision of Judge Yoo Dong Gyun, the prosecution asked the court to punish Doctor A with three years in jail for breaking the Narcotic Drug Control Act. Plus, they wanted 270,000 won in fines.
Despite repeatedly providing propofol to actor Yoo Ah In, Doctor A was charged with self-administering the medicine at a Gangnam-gu hospital on two separate occasions last year without informing the Ministry of Food and Medicine Safety.
Doctor A gave Yoo Ah In propofol 17 times, but the prosecution said he didn’t disclose any of those instances to the proper authorities because he didn’t enter the information into the integrated narcotics management system.

Although Doctor A’s legal team acknowledged all allegations in the indictment, they contended that the defendant’s health had already deteriorated because of the COVID-19 outbreak. They begged for mercy, saying the defendant’s acts were a result of his mental illness and other health problems.
Yoo Ah In’s administration of propofol was not intentionally concealed, according to the defense, but rather the consequence of carelessness. They argued that the defendant should get a fine instead of jail time because of his contrition and introspection.
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At one point during the proceedings, Doctor A said, “I am reflecting and repenting” to convey his regret. The ultimate verdict will be determined by the court during the sentencing session on April 4 KST. Join us on our Twitter account for more updates.