The 2018 anime adaptation of Goblin Slayer demonstrated how harsh and ruthless its dystopian fantasy setting can be. The plot, which was adapted from a Kumo Kagyu light novel, follows a man simply titled “Goblin Slayer,” whose life’s mission is to destroy every last goblin in existence. Goblin Slayer’s basic idea belies the depth of its gameplay, characters, and plot.
As early as 2012, the “This Light Novel Is Amazing” guidebook ranked Goblin Slayer’s novel as the fifth-best in its genre. Fans eagerly await season two because of how well it adapted the source material in the first. If you count yourself among them, read below for information about Season 2 of Goblin Slayer. As here we will discuss everything we know about goblin slayer season 2.
When Is Goblin Slayer Season 2 Coming Out?
Goblin Slayer Season 2 will definitely be out in 2023, although we don’t know when just yet. The official promo for Season 2 merely gave a release window of “late 2023,” without giving a specific date. The second season could follow the pattern of its predecessor and premiere in the fall, but it is possible that it will premiere much sooner.
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Although the first season was met with considerable criticism, a second season is set to begin filming in 2021. Streaming sites issued apologies and content warnings after receiving backlash for the first episode’s violent depiction of s*xual assault. Regardless, Goblin Slayer got renewed, so the show will be back on the air after a long hiatus.
What Is Goblin Slayer Season 2 About?
The first season adapted the first volume of the light novel, therefore the second volume will likely be covered in the following season. In this scene, Goblin Slayer agrees to help Sword Maiden with another mission after hearing stories of goblins in a coastal village. As they delve farther into the city, though, they find that the problem is much more extensive.
Which Studio Is Making Goblin Slayer Season 2?
The second season of Goblin Slayer will not be produced by White Fox but by Liden Films. They’re the studio behind shows like Berserk and Tokyo Revengers, among others. However, most of the original production team will be back, albeit with some new faces in key roles.
Director Takaharu Ozaki will be elevated to the chief director, and Misato Takada will take his place. The series composition will once again be handled by Hideyuki Kurata, and the music composition will be handled by Kenichiro Suehiro. The voice performers for Season 2 of Goblin Slayer have not changed.
Where Will Goblin Slayer Season 2 Be Aired?
If the second season of Goblin Slayer is anything like the first, it will air on streaming services like Crunchyroll, Funimation, and Hulu. There has been no formal confirmation of airing locations, thus they are subject to change. While you wait, check out the first season on one of the aforementioned streaming platforms. In the meanwhile, you can watch Goblin Slayer: Goblin’s Crown on Amazon Prime Video.