On January 5, 2024, the long-awaited variety show NANA TOUR with SEVENTEEN (or Go Together NANA TOUR with SEVENTEEN) debuted, featuring the K-Pop idol group as their tour guide, the seasoned travel entertainment professional PD Na Young Suk. The show Youth Over Flowers, in which famous people are “kidnapped” and taken on a surprise trip, served as an inspiration for this.
During their September 2023 “FOLLOW” Tour in Japan, SEVENTEEN were taken off guard in the first episode. They had an unforgettable vacation to Italy after PD Na “kidnapped” them. The group awakens in the first episode, completely unprepared for the journey. Many ended up in bed bewildered and disoriented…
na pd and SEVENTEEN woke up jeonghan
jeonghan: i was getting ready 😴
everyone: HAHAHAHA
na pd: did you know about this?
jeonghan: i can just go now *carrying his bag*
everyone: HAHAHAHA
jeonghan: i don’t know how i look
na pd: you look pretty right now
😭😭🤣😂😂😭 pic.twitter.com/M9LL3BAGNH
— 하니행뵹 (@flamehanie) January 5, 2024
Despite this, a few were even captured red-handed! None of the members, including The8, Wonwoo, and Vernon, were prepared for the arrival of outsiders or cameras as they went to bed. To be sure Vernon was indeed nude, Hoshi went so far as to slide his hand between the sheets.
hoshi confirming that vernon’s not wearing any clothes 😭😭 pic.twitter.com/xB5F5eRqZO
— hannie ☻ (@minghaocheol_) January 5, 2024
The8 managed to look adorable even while he was naked! However, his associates tossed him a few garments.
Ah, sleeping naked Minghao, so cute, cute#NANA_TOUR_with_SEVENTEEN #나나투어_with_세븐틴 #minghao #THE8 #디에잇#서명호 #ハオちゃん #ミンハオ #ดิเอท@pledis_17 pic.twitter.com/0JCVCWsAEP
— selfish_desire (@selfish_desire) January 5, 2024
Like Wonwoo, his teammates checked that he was wearing his spectacles before anything else. He finally recognized PD Na at that moment! Nobody saw any of the members undressed, notably Wonwoo! It is really entertaining and captivating!
-sleeping completely w/out clothes
-hoshi putting the glasses on him
-the 58cm shoulder
-passing mingyu’s tshirt
-someone even has to pass the pants for him to wear under covers
Jeon WONWOO 😭😭pic.twitter.com/Xzm43NRAjZ
— mi원우지 (@miwon17_) January 5, 2024
The premiere did, in fact, get off to a lively start! You can also read about SEVENTEEN Fans React to Lee Young Ji’s Apology for DK’s Controversy It is our sincere wish that the information we have supplied is adequate for your requirements. If you have any thoughts or feedback regarding this post, please share them with us in the space provided. Your feedback is valuable in shaping our content and guiding our editorial decisions. For more information, please visit Pabaon.com.