Uzumaki is an upcoming anime series from Adult Swim and the company Production I.G. It is based on a manga series of the same name that came out in 1998. The horror anime takes place in the small seaside town of Kurouzu-cho, where two high school students have to deal with a mysterious curse that is affecting the whole town and its people.
Bring on the swirls, madness, and real fear! But you might be wondering when the Uzumaki TV show will come out. Or do you want to know if the story will be like the manga? Well, don’t worry, horror fans, because we have you covered. Here’s everything you need to know about Junji Ito’s upcoming series, including the Uzumaki anime release date, trailer, story, and more. As here we will discuss about Uzumaki anime release date and many other things related to it.
Uzumaki Anime Release Date Speculation
At the moment, there has been no news about when the Uzumaki cartoon will come out. But if we had to guess when the show would come out, we’d say late 2023. In a strange way, it seems like Uzumaki is cursed when it comes to making things. The series was supposed to come out in 2020, but when Covid-19 happened, it pushed back the release date. Then, the cartoon was set to come out in October 2022.
But it was put off again because the show’s staging wasn’t good enough. Even though all of these delays are frustrating, they do show that work is still being done on the anime and that the show is almost done being made. So, there is still a good chance that it will come out in 2023. We should also remember that in January 2023, Netflix put out another Junji Ito horror show called Junji Ito Maniac. So, in order to avoid problems, Uzumaki will probably wait a few months before making any information public. this is all we know about Uzumaki anime release date.
Is There An Uzumaki Anime Trailer?
We don’t have a full-length Uzumaki anime video, but we do have a short clip to get you excited! Adult Swim released a new video in June 2021 that gave horror fans an update on the production and a first look at the animation series.
Here is the trailer video:
In the preview, director Hiroshi Nagahama apologized for all the delays in the anime before showing fans what his team had been working on. In the clip, scary music plays as a young girl named Kirie Goshima walks toward the black-and-white town of Kurouzu-cho.
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What Is The Uzumaki Anime Plot?
Since the Uzumaki anime is based on the same-named horror manga series, we already know how the story will go. The story of the Uzumaki anime will be about the people of the city Kurouzu-cho, who are soon cursed by spirals and get closer and closer to going crazy. The main people we’ll follow are a young girl named Kirie Goshima and her boyfriend, Shuichi Saito.
We’ll follow them as they face mysterious problems in their home. Most likely, the anime will tell the whole story of the manga. This means that we will get to see some fun snail changes, faces and hair that can be hypnotized, and some serious typhoons. Since there will only be four episodes of the Uzumaki anime, it is possible that the story will be changed to fit. This means that some parts of the story may be changed or left out.
Who Is In The Uzumaki Anime Cast?
- Uki Satake as Kirie Goshima
- Shin-ichiro Miki as Shuichi Saito
- Mariya Ise as Azami Kurotani
- Wataru Hatano as Okada
- Mika Doi as Yukie Saitou
- Takashi Matsuyama as Toshio Saitou
Satake is known for her work on popular anime shows like Mob Psycho 100 and Space Dandy. Fans may also know Miki as the person who voiced James in the Pokemon series. Miki also did the voice of Sir Nighteye in My Hero Academia. So, yes, Uzumaki has some stars who have been around for a long time. For more anime fun, check out our tips to when the next seasons of Demon Slayer and One Punch Man will come out. If you want to know what movies are coming out soon, here are all the new ones coming out in 2023.