Joseph Quinn Talks With Eddie Munson About Stranger Things Season 4

The standout bad guy from Stranger Things continues his conversation in Volume 2

Quinn, Joseph: So, I’ve made my way to my dad’s place for the night. We’re going to watch [the finale] with my little sister 

How Are You Celebrating Stranger Things Eve?

To be honest, mate, I have no idea. Just heaps.

How many times would you guess you’ve listened to “Master of Puppets?”

Did You Foresee Eddie’s Death In This Season?

To be honest, I was totally unaware. I was aware there was no option for me. I suspected his storyline would conclude this year.

How Many Of The Last Exchanges With Gaten Were Improvised On The Spot?

Disc Pie Chart

It was the last scene of a very long night shoot, and we were able to get it done in about 15 or 20 minutes.

Doesn’t Sound Too Good, Does It?

I went out and purchased a guitar and started strumming away like crazy. I just remember being just kind of dumbstruck at the kind of…

Why Do You Think Eddie Becomes A Hero Towards The End Of The Series?

That said, I find it to be a moving examination of second chances.