Claud Cockburn, a British novelist, is Olivia’s biological grandpa, and she has two siblings, the older of whom is Chloe and the younger of whom is Charlie.
On January 16, 2003, Olivia married Tao Ruspoli, an Italian filmmaker and musician. In order to keep the marriage a secret, the ceremony was held aboard a school bus in Washington, Virginia.
After announcing their engagement in early 2013, Otis and Daisy were born on April 20, 2014, and October 11, 2016, respectively. The conclusion of 2020 marks the end of Wilde and Sudeikis’s marriage.
CareerA year later, she starred in “The Girl Next Door” and began a 13-episode run as Alex Kelly on “The O.C.” Olivia made her television debut in 2003 on Fox’s “Skin”.
Awards and NominationsFor “Bickford Shmeckler’s Cool Ideas” at the US Comedy Arts Festival in 2006, Wilde was named Best Actress, and she received a Rising Star Award.
Olivia Wilde has a net worth of $25 million as of July 2022.In your opinion, how much money does Olivia Wilde have in the bank? Below, please leave a comment.