Democratic lawmakers in the House of Representatives urged two Homeland Security oversight officials to come before Congress regarding the agency’s handling of missing Secret Service text

messages sent the day of the Capitol attack, accusing their office of engaging in a cover-up. Members of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees issued a letter

to the agency’s inspector general expressing “grave new concerns regarding your lack of transparency and independence, which appear to be endangering the integrity of a key investigation.

Democratic Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney, the chairwoman of the Oversight Committee, and Democratic Representative Bennie Thompson, the chairman of the Homeland Security Committee

According to Mr. Cuffari, messages were wiped as a device replacement program. The department had discontinued investigating what happened to them since they were being investigated

Maloney and Thompson stated in a letter on Monday saying their committees had “new evidence” that Cuffari had “secretly abandoned efforts to gather text messages

According to a CNN story cited in the legislators’ letter, the inspector general discovered that the Secret Service was missing vital text exchanges in May 2021

According to a tweet from Mr. Wolf, he “complied with all data retention requirements and returned all my equipment fully loaded to the Department. The end of it.

Delegate Inspector General Thomas Kait sent an email on July 27, 2021, claiming that “we no longer require phone records and texts from the USSS relevant to the incidents on January 6th.

According to the Secret Service, many text messages deleted from the agents’ phones during last year’s attack on the Capitol may not be recoverable