One of the all-time most popular anime series, Solo Levelling is based on the same-named webcomic by Chugong. A massive fandom has been growing for the fantasy-drama cartoon show since its January premiere. Here is all the information you need to know about the upcoming release of Episode 7:
Solo Levelling Episode 7 Release Date
On Sunday, February 18, at 12 am JST, Solo Levelling Episode 7 will be released in Japan. The exact time and date of release, though, can differ for viewers in other countries. Depending on your time zone, you can see the appropriate timetable below:
Time Zone | Time | Date | Day |
PST | 7 am | Feb 17 | Saturday |
CST | 9 am | Feb 17 | Saturday |
EST | 10 am | Feb 17 | Saturday |
GMT | 3 pm | Feb 17 | Saturday |
ACST | 12:30 am | Feb 18 | Sunday |
You can also take a look at below tweet:
06「The Real Hunt Begins」
ご視聴ありがとうございました。Next Episode
07「Let’s See How Far I Can Go」
2024.2.17 ON AIR俺だけレベルアップな件#俺レべ #SoloLeveling— アニメ『俺だけレベルアップな件』公式 (@sololeveling_pr) February 10, 2024
Where To Watch Solo Levelling Episode 7?
In Japan, viewers may see the episode on channels such as Tokyo MX, GYT, GTV, BS11, CBC, and YTV. Around an hour after the episode airs, Crunchyroll will make it available to viewers outside of Japan to watch online.
It should be mentioned that viewers can’t access the episodes without subscribing to the platform. In light of its recent merger with Funimation, the anime streaming behemoth has revealed revised pricing for its various subscription packs.
Solo Levelling Episode 7: What Can You Anticipate?
The upcoming seventh episode of Solo Levelling, “Let’s See How Far I Can Go,” is intended to provide further insight into the connection between Jinwoo and Jinho.
Fans are hoping that the showrunners will give more specifics regarding the couple’s deal and Jinho’s goals as the episode is probably based on chapters 25 to 28 of the webcomic.
In addition, viewers are hoping that the webcomic will serve as inspiration for the introduction of a new character, Hwang Dongsoo, in the TV show.
What Happened In Solo Levelling Episode 6?
The last episode, “The Real Hunt Begins,” had Sung Jinwoo showing off his skills by using his pending Status Recovery to battle a C-rank dungeon boss. Their dynamic changed because this conduct frightened Jinho.
Jinwoo relied on the System to neutralise threats after tensions worsened when Hwang Dongsuk’s faction targeted him and Jinho.
Goosebumps Sung jin 🔥#SoloLeveling
— Neninthe (@NenintheTweetzs) February 10, 2024
Once Hwan Donsuk and his henchmen are defeated and the dungeon is exited, Jinho is mistaken for having defeated the boss and ends up taking credit for it. The episode ended with Hwang Dongsoo, the younger brother of Hwang Donsuk, waking up in the United States.
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The seventh episode of Solo Levelling is almost here, and fans can hardly wait for the next exciting chapter in Sung Jinwoo’s incredible journey, which promises to be full of surprises and thrills.
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