Netflix Original K Dramas
Netflix Original K Drama

Netflix Original K Dramas To Binge Watch

Netflix Original K Dramas

Do you remember the days when people from outside of Korea had to use BitTorrent to view Korean dramas? (Oh, the Struggle) Thankfully, with the massive success

Netflix Original K Dramas

of Korean dramas around the world, such is no longer the case. Netflix, of all places, has been a key contributor to this impressive online presence.

Netflix Original K Dramas

In spite of your best intentions, you will probably find yourself staying up until 5 a.m. to witness the conclusion of one of the dramas on this list.

Persona Watching this drama is like getting to know IU from the perspective of four different directors.

Kingdom The first Korean drama to go viral on Netflix. In my opinion, Kingdom is the type of drama that everybody can appreciate.

Love Alarm An intriguing premise: two men and a woman fall in love in a world where a smartphone app may tell them if someone nearby likes them.

Squid Game If you haven’t heard about this drama by this point, you must be living in a cave. Drama is about a group of high-achieving individuals

Hellbound The plot revolves around a cult in which members believe that in order to avoid eternal damnation, they must perform acts of kindness for others.

The School Nurse Flies A nurse discovers she has unusual supernatural ability in this charming and entertaining little drama. She’s on a mission to save

Sweet Home The human race is progressively transforming into monsters, and a young man must fight to stay alive and save humanity from

Move to Heaven The protagonist of this touching drama is a man with Asperger’s who embarks on a quest to learn the backstories of the objects

D.P The two main characters in this drama, which is based on a true story, share memories from their time serving in the Korean military police

Money Heist: Korea – Joint Economic Area Originally a Spanish drama, Money Heist now has an official Korean adaptation. In 2025, when the two halves of the peninsula

The Silent Sea The first Korean science fiction drama is a massive thriller, following a carefully picked team as they go on a 24-hour trip to the moon