The anticipation for Apex Legends Season 16 has reached a fever pitch as Season 15: Eclipse is coming to a conclusion and Season 16 is only a few days away. Players are curious as to the next gameplay adjustments, the identity of the new legend, and the types of cosmetics available in the battle pass.
We’ve put together a list of information on the upcoming season’s content, albeit we don’t have all the answers. We’ll keep adding to it as we learn more. Here is everything that is currently known about Apex Legends Season 16.
Apex Season 16 Release Date
On February 14th, Apex Legends Season 16 will be launched. Although Respawn has not yet made an official announcement regarding the new season’s release time, we may assume that they will stick to the same schedule in light of past trends.
What to Expect from Apex Legends Revelry?
First things first, as we have stated, this season does not feature a new Legend. There is a legitimate reason for this, though, and it has to do with the fact that the class system has undergone a significant revamp. All Legends will be placed in one of the five new classes starting on February 14 instead of the ones they are in right now. Here, we’ve outlined some of the factors that determine which class a Legend would be assigned to:
- Assault – These are Legends that use their abilities to force their opponents to make mistakes or sudden combat decisions.
- Skirmisher – A Skimisher is a Legend who has great combat mobility and escape skills that can be used to keep them safe, or used tactically to get the optimum position in a fight.
- Recon – Recon Legends are those that can get intel on their opponents and track them.
- Controller – These are Legends are can use their abilities to control positions and control their enemies to fight on their terms.
- Support – These Legends are, unsurprisingly, about supporting the team but they now include defensive Legends too.
About Apex Legends Season 16 Update
First off, by excluding a new Legend, Apex Legends Season 16 deviates from the norm of a usual big release. The decision was made, according to Respawn’s developers, in order to shift away from the “expected” upgrades and instead concentrate on enhancing the skills of the legends they already have on the roster.
The potent Nemesis AR weapon, which will compete with the Flatline and R-301, will be coming to the Outlands despite the absence of any new faces. Additionally, a brand-new 6v6 Team Deathmatch game mode is being added, which requires teams to accumulate 30 kills in order to win a round.
Arenas is being removed from Apex Legends in Season 16.
Instead, we're getting Team Deathmatch for the first three weeks.
6v6, first to 30 kills wins round, win two rounds to win the match. You select loadouts just like Control.
TDM maps: Skulltown, Party Crasher, Habitat 4.
— Apex Legends News (@alphaINTEL) February 6, 2023
The revamp of the Firing Range, which strives to improve the arena by introducing endless ammo, dynamic stats, and improved fake targets is another significant addition. The popular Mirage Voyage POI will also be back, but this time it will be included on every map. This implies that it might be the greatest area for you to land if you’re seeking a chaotic start and a lot of high-tier loot.
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