The Red Dead Redemption franchise has a long and complicated past that spans 14 years and three games. The second and third games are Western epics about the end of the Old West and the life of outlaws that came with it. The idea that the world was getting smaller was hammered home in the first Redemption game. In the second, we saw how outside and inside forces tore the Van der Linde gang apart.
It does make you wonder what could happen next in Red Dead Redemption 3. People have said that Red Dead Redemption 3 should be about Jack Marston, the son of John Marston, the first game’s main character.
Even though some people don’t agree with this way of thought, it gives the franchise a chance to bring up the dying west theme again. If Rockstar Games went this way, the game would probably feel like the smallest one in the series.
How Red Dead Redemption 2 Shows The Old West Dying
Both games are about the death of the Old West, but they do so in very different ways. Red Dead Redemption 2 seems to be about how shocking it is when organizations from the modern world come and mess up their way of life.
Some of the biggest bad guys in the game aren’t people but rather the companies they work for. During the game, the Van der Linde gang fights against the Italian Mafia, the still-active Pinkerton Detective Agency, and the US Army, who usually work for businessman Leviticus Cornwall and his many businesses. This leads to a story that is epic and shows the forces that finally put an end to the life of an outlaw in the old west.
At every turn, this pressure would be felt by the Van der Linde. The Pinkerton Detective Agency never gave up looking for the gang. Leviticus Cornwall and those who follow him bother the team because they stole one of his trains early in the game. These outside forces put so much pressure on the gang that everyone starts to lose faith in Dutch, who doesn’t have a plan to keep them safe.
How Red Dead Redemption Almost Feels Like an Epilogue to Its Sequel
The story of the first game is smaller than that of the second. In Red Dead Redemption, Bill Williamson leads a ragtag group of thieves in one of the last big frontier towns. Javier Escuella works for the government of Mexico.
Dutch van der Linde wanders around in Long Johns with another group of thieves and killers who do whatever they want. But the story as a whole feels almost like a clean-up job for everyone concerned. It’s not clear if it was always meant to be a smaller story or if the technology of the time made it so, but it’s clear that it’s about what’s left of the once-great Old West.
In Red Dead Redemption 2, players see Dutch van der Linde get worse and worse, and by the time the first game starts, he might as well be a whole different person. He is no longer the man who would rob a train with a loyal crew to get Army pay.
Now, he is a man who robs banks in border towns to try to stay alive. All of this adds to the idea and theme that the Old West is ending, which is something that Red Dead Redemption 3 could use.
Red Dead Redemption 3 Release Date
There is no clear release date for Red Dead Redemption 3 as of February 2023, but there are rumours. GTA 5 was already released in 2013, and GTA 6 could come out at the end of 2024 or the beginning of 2025.
Red Dead Redemption 3 is already in development:
Red Dead Redemption 3 is already in development, according to a Rockstar employee’s Linkedin.
— Instant Gaming (@InstantGamingEN) November 15, 2021
This means that 11 to 12 years will pass before the next game. If the time between RDR 2 and RDR 3 is the same, then Red dead redemption 3 will likely come out in 2029 or 2030. If Rockstar only gives this project a small team, it will be pushed back even more.

Why Red Dead Redemption 3 Would Benefit From A Smaller Feeling Story
We don’t know anything about the possible sequel, like where it will go or if Rockstar plans to make it. Some people think Red Dead Redemption 3 should be about Jack Marston, while others believe it should be about Dutch and Hosea’s early lives. But if the producer follows Jack Marston, the story will probably be better if it’s like the first Red Dead Redemption and has a smaller scale.
By the end of Red Dead Redemption, it is 1914, and much has changed. If Red Dead Redemption 3 came out, it would probably be about how that way of life died out. If gangs do form, they are likely to be small and made up of the last of the old outlaws who lead people astray with stories of their past adventures. In the same way, the robberies they did had to be minor, so they didn’t draw too much attention and because they didn’t have enough people or skilled thieves.
All of these things would make it clear that the way of life is pretty much over. It’s hard to say where the possible sequel will go. At the moment, Rockstar is putting all of its efforts into making Grand Theft Auto 6.
Red Dead Redemption 3 probably won’t come out until the 2030s. But if the developer made Jack the lead character, the game would probably have a story that made it feel like the most miniature game in the series.